Core Services
- We are participating in the under 6s and over 70s free GP Care.
- Management of acute medical conditions.
- Chronic disease management.
- Health Promotion and Prevention Medicine.
- Emergency Care.
- Referral to Specialist Care.
Additional Services
- Seasonal vaccination, Flu & Pneumonia Vaccination.
- Primary (baby) Immunisations.
- Child Health Care.
- Maternity Services (anti-natal care).
- Cervical Screening.
- Contraceptive Services.
- Insertion of Mirena, Jaydees and Copper Coil (IUD & IUS).
- Insertion of Implanon.
- Men's Health (Screening, Prevention & Management).
- Travel vaccinations.
- Minor Surgery Procedures.
- Insurance Medicals.
- Employment Medicals.
- Urgent required care to Registered and Temporary Residents.
Fee Paying Services
The GMS does not cover certain services provided by your doctor and you may be asked to pay for some services.
Enhanced Services
- Sexual Health Centre/STI Screening.
- Counselling Service.
- Smoking Cessation Clinic.
- Travel Health - Yellow Fever Registered Centre.
- Cardiovascular Screening.
- Diabetic Screening.
- Weight Management.
- Asthma Clinic.
- Diabetic Clinic.
- Dermatology (psoriasis, eczema & other skin conditions).