Unfortunately in this country, approximately 1 in 8 men will develop prostate cancer at some stage in their lives.
At Hazelhill Family Practice we understand the importance of identifying this condition early and securing treatment.
We offer a thorough prostate screening programme for our patients who would like to be examined or who are concerned about their prostate health.
Our prostate screening programme focuses on the following:
- The patient's family history and personal medical history (prostate cancer is more common amongst those with a family history of the disease).
- Symptoms that could imply prostate disease including urinary frequency, getting up increasingly at night to use the toilet, a poor stream, occasional accidents or urinary urgency, to name but a few.
- Whether you need blood tests (PSA) or a prostate examination
The most effective screening utilises a combined blood test and 'digital rectal examination' - ie a physical examination. These are taken in conjunction with the other aspects of the examination programme.
How do I make an appointment at Hazelhill Family Practice?
To book your prostate screening appointment at Hazelhill Family Practice click here and fill in the appointment form.
You can also call the Hazelhill Family Practice on 094 9630091.